Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One of those Huuuu... Haaaa.... stories


One of my favorite things about selling stuff online (aside of being able to work my own hours and being able to do it in my underwear) is that in some cases I get to know where my art goes and the story behind the decision of someone to buy it.

So a couple of days ago I got an order for a bird tea pot as a wedding gift, which I'm always excited about, weddings are such a big deal, I always think of how Ned's mom still hold on to most of her wedding gifts and every now and then when I compliment her on an especially nice table cloths or plates, she often say "we got this for our wedding from...." She remembered all those beautiful pieces and who gave them! So the idea of someone having a cup of tea 50 years from now and saying "I got this for our wedding from..." makes me really happy.

I wanted to start working on the tea pot right away, but yesterday I made cards, then with the lack of spray adhesive I just couldn't bring myself to start something new and end up playing video games for 2 hours then going to sleep.

This morning I got an e-mail from the buyer telling me this amazing story:

The wedding is going to take place outdoors and the ceremony is going to happened under a mulberry tree. So if I can, instead of what she originally wanted, make the birds sit in a mulberry tree! I'm so glad I was lazy yesterday! and so today I spend a few hours working on this mulberry and birds tea pot. how cool is that?!

1 comment:

Snowberry and Lime said...

it's gorgeous, and what a great story! Who knows, it may just be with the couple for the next few decades... :)