Saturday, August 1, 2009


Finally! they are done! I've been wanting and dreading finishing the black Lilly deck of tarot cards for ages, and now it's (almost) done. All i have to do is make some more of them.


The reason why this is scary is that I already decided when the project was starting that once I complete the deck, I'm going to send it to some publishers and hopefully someone will get excited about it and would choose to publish them. I know it's a long shot, but if this happenes I'm going to fulfill one of my life long dreams.


I'm going to have to decide about one color layout (if any) and how the back side is going to look like but the basic design is done. Now I just hope they sell...



lostfoundagain said...

Oh!!! I SO hope that a publisher wants to produce these! I think this is one of the most beautiful projects that you've done!

Unknown said...

Aya! They are beautiful! I wish you luck in finding a publisher. They'd be crazy not to jump on these!